Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Phishing - The Dangers Are Far to Real Online

Phishing is simply not going around in the lake, and catching fish. It's a far to real internet crime that is sweeping America. Basically, it is phishing for your personal information through a fake e-mails, that appears to be from Amazon, eBay, or from your bank. (these are just an example) The reason is so crooks can gain access to your personal information and steal your identity.

A typical scam email will states that they need your password because their has been fraudulent activity on your account. It will appear to look like it is from the actual company. However, it will be addresses as Dear Sir or Dear Mam. Even more sophisticated nowadays they will use your name. Never click on any of their links because they have been known to release Trojan viruses onto you computer.

As an added warning these letters will commonly provoke you to act quickly. or your account will be shut down. Another thing to be cautious of is the sender's email will have the same return address to make it appear to be real.

These tips should help you avoid phishing online:

Never respond to the emails that ask for your personal information. If you do suspect that it is real, contact them by phone to verify.

Most companies have it in their policies, that they will NEVER ask you for personal information.

Check your latest anti phishing forums and websites to get a current update of what is going around on the internet.

Get a anit-virus program and make sure you frequently update it.

Report Online Scams
If someone does rip you off you can report it to the authorities, as well as post your story at: for free. I specialize in getting your story out their on the internet. Please check out my site before you many any more online purchases.

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