Monday, July 27, 2009

Perform a Confiker Virus Removal

What is the confiker virus? How can it harm me? How can I fix it for once and for all so that it does not bother me in the future? There are many different things that you can do to get rid of the confiker virus, you just want to make sure that you are taking the correct steps to get rid of it today!

There are many different aliases and variants that can potentially harm your computer. The most popular one seems to come up somewhere around april fool's day and can definitely harm your computer dramatically.

What is it, what does it do? This virus does all kinds of terrible things such as not allowing you to access specific security websites, it will erase all of your documents, and will even mess with the back-up service. It is a malicious virus that aims to delete everything in its site, it was built purely for harmful purposes and has brought down whole organizations.

The worst thing is that it can lie dormant for months at a time something like a human virus. The great thing is that there is top notch software to get rid of it before it gets to this point, as technology is increasing to battle this as well. There are other viruses that could be on your computer and currently slowing it down.

It is recommended that you get an antispyware software package that's up to date and a registry cleaner that can help you get rid of all that clutter and unnecessary junk that may be on your computer - you'll be able to speed up your computer and get rid of all that stuff for once and for all!

Are you experiencing Repair DLL Error Messages, EXE error messages, general slow downs of your computer, Sychost, System 32, Fix General Protection Fault, General Shutdown, Javascript, Activex, Adware, Spyware, Viruses, or a huge variety of errors for your computer? You can fix this with a very easy to use registry fix tool that is available for a free trial. For More Information, Visit:

Thursday, July 16, 2009

President Obama's Cyber Security Plan and What You Can Do to Support It!

A flurry of articles concerning Cyber Security and the threat it poses to our National Security have been written over the past several weeks and with great cause. The number one National Security threat to the United States has been the theft of our industrial and defense proprietary information. What many of you do not realize, is the fact that China, Russia and a few others have been stealing us blind and infecting our IT Infrastructure for many years. The have taken advantage of corporate America's extremely lax computer security protocols, hacking into their databases, planting malicious code to be activated at a later date, stealing secrets such as nuclear power development, weapon design and construction, pharmaceutical formulas, marketing plans, financial data of not only major companies, but yours as well. This is a problem that has existed for years, but has grown to such proportions that our government has finally decided that the best defense is educating our population so we ALL can do something about it.

I have written several articles related to Internet security, all of them focused on what YOU can do about it. Over the past several years, we have seen how inept the government, financial and retail industries are, when it comes to protecting critical information such as your banking records, social security and credit card numbers and other information, that, if placed in the wrong hands can ruin you. Couple this with the convenience of wireless Internet access and you have a recipe for disaster, unless you become more aware of how hackers can access your private information, and have easy to use tools to protect that critical information. Wireless Internet access is here to stay. It's convenient, cheap and easy to use, for both you and the bad guy.

Recently a major telephone service provider admitted that their wireless routers did not provide adequate protection. Last month, I commented on a recent vulnerability scan of various financial districts around the world and the miserable failing of over half of the 3,600 wireless access points tested. If your bank or your Internet service provider is not going to provide you with the means to protect yourself, who will? The answer is you! The threat is so large, that even our own government is years behind the curve in being able to provide the level of protection needed for everyone in the United States.

But, it must start somewhere and it might as well be you. You do not have to be an IT security genius. There are several applications available that are easy to use, affordable and effective. You want something that you can just turn on and know it is protecting your Internet connection. You want something that protects you from marketers and hackers collecting personal information about you. You want something that easily password protects your personal information and stores it safely wherever you place it. You want to do all of this without having to make any configuration adjustments yourself.

This application exists. The application is called Covert Surfer. Covert Surfer is an easy to use, affordable and very effective Internet Privacy and Security program that encrypts your Internet connection, no matter where you are, and prevents your neighbor, the sandwich shop owner's son and the guy sitting across the coffee shop, from stealing you blind, ruining your relationship with your girlfriend or even worse. Using industry approved, state of the art encryption, Covert Surfer protects you from identity theft, as well as your right to privacy. Covert Surfer automatically erases your cookies and encrypts your personal files for safe keeping. Covert Surfer is another great tool in the fight for Internet Identity and Privacy Protection. As an added bonus, Covert Surfer can be downloaded directly onto your computer or onto a USB Flash Drive, making it portable and a perfect travel companion.

Michael Dunleavy, President, Diginonymous, LLC
For more information on data protection visit us at

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Phishing - The Dangers Are Far to Real Online

Phishing is simply not going around in the lake, and catching fish. It's a far to real internet crime that is sweeping America. Basically, it is phishing for your personal information through a fake e-mails, that appears to be from Amazon, eBay, or from your bank. (these are just an example) The reason is so crooks can gain access to your personal information and steal your identity.

A typical scam email will states that they need your password because their has been fraudulent activity on your account. It will appear to look like it is from the actual company. However, it will be addresses as Dear Sir or Dear Mam. Even more sophisticated nowadays they will use your name. Never click on any of their links because they have been known to release Trojan viruses onto you computer.

As an added warning these letters will commonly provoke you to act quickly. or your account will be shut down. Another thing to be cautious of is the sender's email will have the same return address to make it appear to be real.

These tips should help you avoid phishing online:

Never respond to the emails that ask for your personal information. If you do suspect that it is real, contact them by phone to verify.

Most companies have it in their policies, that they will NEVER ask you for personal information.

Check your latest anti phishing forums and websites to get a current update of what is going around on the internet.

Get a anit-virus program and make sure you frequently update it.

Report Online Scams
If someone does rip you off you can report it to the authorities, as well as post your story at: for free. I specialize in getting your story out their on the internet. Please check out my site before you many any more online purchases.