Tuesday, February 24, 2009

What Are the PC Security Tools That I Need?

PC security is very important for those who have a PC and internet connection.

In year 2000, the Byzantine Bloomberg network was attacked by two Kazakhstan hackers and demanded that Bloomberg pay $200,000 if they want their data back.

Byzantine Bloomberg can easily pay the ransom, however, the CEO decided that they cannot follow the hackers demand and brought with him undercover officers to where he would hand the money and the hackers were caught during the transaction.

Most companies are willing to pay high amount of money just to protect their data.

Computer and the world wide web certainly made any job easier, but it also created a new type of criminals.

So, in order to keep you and your computer safe from online threats, you need to have a few PC security tools software inside your computer.

1. Firewall

You need a firewall in order to monitor your ingoing and outgoing traffic. You can search the Google to find free firewall and install it into your computer.

2. Anti-Virus

Anti-virus is one of the important tools that you will need. However, most of the people didn't install any anti-virus and even if they did, they seldom update the virus definition. Updating the anti-virus definition is very important in order to keep you up-to-date with new viruses.

Please keep in mind that you can only have one anti-virus installed in your computer.

3. Anti-Adware and ant-spyware

Adware and malware are software with malicious intent. Created by hackers for their own use, these two types of malware are dangerous to your PC. Therefore, you need anti-spyware and anti-adware software.

Different with anti-virus, you can install more than one in your computer. However, please make sure that you have one anti-spyware or anti-adware software with real-time protection.

4. Site-Advisor

Seldom people know about site-advisor and I decided to put this type of software as one of my must-have list PC protection tools.

Site advisor can warn you if you're visiting websites that contain malware or phishing websites. So, it's a very important tools to have if you're going online.

These four types of protection software are the must-have protection tools in your computer. I didn't expect you to have the knowledge of a computer expert to protect your computer. But, at least, by installing these software, it's better rather than having a "naked computer".

Azwan Asmat is the author of Chuang Computer Tips - http://chuangcomputer.blogspot.com - Online threats have become a major computer security issue. Would you like to know the secret of securing your PC from dangerous spyware, adware, and malware programs that can ruin your PC, your finances, and your sanity?!! Visit http://www.chuangcomputer.com/5day/ for more info.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Secure Your Computer Today

Why was your computer infected with a virus? I can tell you right now, you went to a site that was low security and it jumped onto your computer, you may of even executed a file you downloaded which contained a virus.

Computer viruses are like fleas, they jump from computer to computer, infecting everything they touch. I have been down this road before, I got a serious problem with my computer, it kind of almost ruined my business, all my details were exposed, it was like being burgled online, all my personal data read and used, I didn't go online for a long time, you could say I was afraid, could this happen again, my computer was violated and I couldn't stop it.

Well it didn't take me long to venture back online and I came armed, I got myself a great program that watches my back, I mean my computer system. It just sits there waiting for any intruders to try and take over my computer, as soon as I was set up with my program, it went to work. Within minutes of being online my computer was attacked, it detected, stopped and quarantined the virus, I have got this program running always and my computer is safe.

If you want peace of mind or you have had the same problems, then don't delay. You really need a program like the one I am using, it will give you peace of mind and it is very easy to set up, I had mine running in under 5 minutes.
