Monday, April 27, 2009

How to Prevent Identity Theft - Some Tips

Your identity is one of the most important personal possessions that you have. You may not realize or even be aware of it, but protecting your identity from unscrupulous identity thieves should be the top priority for you. More than 10 million Americans fall prey to identity theft annually, and by the time they realize it, they lose a lot of money and their credit standing, not to mention the hassle, shock and bother that go with it.

Identity thieves are on the prowl to get hold of various kinds of personal information like the Social Security numbers, bank account or email id passwords and a host of other data that could be of use to them in a plethora of fraudulent ways. Prevention is better than cure. Being armed with information and taking precautionary measures is a sign of prudence.

Here are a few tips to help you prevent identity theft:

·Social Security Number: Preserving your social security number is of prime importance as it is the primary source for your credit report. If this gets into the hands of identity thieves, they can use it to open and operate accounts under your name with disastrous consequences for you. Be careful never to leave your social security card carelessly about. It's better not to take it out in your wallet each time you go out, unless it is absolutely necessary. Storing it under lock and key or in a safe deposit box is actually a great idea.

·Online Transactions and Passwords: A lot of transactions, including banking transactions, are conducted by individuals online nowadays. Whether it is making a payment online, booking airline and travel tickets or making online purchases, online transaction modules have brought in great convenience and flexibility for consumers. However, indiscreet and careless use of online transaction portals is a huge source of identity theft. 'Phishing' is an online phenomenon where online fraudsters ask for your personal information, user ids and passwords, posing as genuine online portals. Once you part with this information, the mischief begins. To prevent these:

o Be careful not to click on pop-up ads and spam mails.

o Use firewalls, anti-virus and anti-spyware to secure online transactions.

o Ensure that online transactions are logged out of and any online shopping is done through secure and genuine vendors only.

o Hold information on your ids and passwords very close to your heart. Do not use your name or birth date as passwords as these can be easily hacked into. Make passwords a little complex, using alphanumeric characters. Never keep PIN numbers strewn about your house carelessly.

o Do not pass on sensitive information related to your ids and passwords even to your family members or close friends unless it's critically vital.

·Mailboxes: While it's best to have a dedicated post office box, it may not always be feasible. If you have an ordinary mailbox, remove mail and documents regularly. All personal mails with PINs, Social Security numbers or passwords must be shred finely and disposed of carefully so that identity thieves may not get hold of it. When you are away, ask the post office to hold your mail.

·Credit Cards: Be very careful about user ids and passwords or PINs. Any document with credit card PIN information must be finely shred and discarded. Also, ask for and scan credit reports regularly to detect any misuse or fraud. In any case, the moment you suspect any foul play involving your credit card, ask the issuing authority to freeze the credit or put it on a fraud alert. This will prevent any wrong use of the card. If the statements are delayed, check the same because the thieves may have altered the address.

·Personal belongings: When you are required to carry your wallet or handbag with the social security number or credit cards, be extra careful that your pocket is not picked or your wallet is not lost. Not everyone who picks up your wallet or handbag may have enough integrity to return it. So if it gets into wrong hands, your liability will not be limited only to the money you had in the wallet or handbag.

·Phone calls: Beware of crooks who may call you under assumed identities asking you for information pertaining to your identity. So not give out your credit information carelessly.

·Charities: Genuine charity organizations will provide you brochures and information. So, you need not worry about any information that you provide. Be wary of charities with suspect credentials that ask you for some identity related information.

·Identity Coverage: You can consider identity theft coverage programs like Identity Guard or Lifelock to help protect your identity and prevent hassles and bother in case your identity information security is ever compromised.

Preserving your identity is not only important, but also critical. You just cannot let your identity security and confidentiality be compromised. A few precautions as mentioned here could go a long way in preventing identity theft. Be safe, be secure!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Mozy Pro Review - A Close Look at Mozy Pro For Business Use

Mozy Pro is the online backup solution offered by Mozy that is designed for the needs of small and medium businesses. This Mozy Pro review evaluates the features of the service, its advantages, and the areas where it can do better.

Mozy Pro Basic Features

As its name suggests, this service is the "professional," or business counterpart, of Mozy Home. It provides all the features as the home version plus more advanced features to assist the IT pro, the office manager, or the businessman. For each computer that you will be backing up, you need to use either of two licenses - the desktop license which costs $3.95 plus $0.50/GB per month, or the server license, which is priced at $6.95 plus $0.50/GB per month.

The server license comes with a higher price tag than the desktop license because it already includes Microsoft Windows Server OS support, network share support, and backup & restore of Exchange and SQL, among others. The Mozy system utilizes a secure 128-bit SSL encryption during the backing up process and 448-bit Blowfish encryption or 256-bit AES encryption while your files are in storage.

The Pros

Regardless of whether you opt for a server or desktop license, Mozy Pro comes at a very affordable cost for such a secure and comprehensive online storage and backup package.

Aside from putting all the stops when it comes to security, Mozy Pro has also placed the user's convenience and ease of use at the top of its priority. The service supports both Windows and Mac, and gives the user an option of to set it on automatic or scheduled mode of backup.

Mozy Pro also backs up and restores all types of data files on practically any software or database in your computer - Exchange, SQL, and those in network drives. Plus, it comes with advanced administrative features which is ideal for a multi-user business set-up.

The Cons

Mozy Pro is not without its flaws, though. Some users of this online storage and backup facility have pointed out that the technical support provided is rather slow and at times not helpful at all. Problems in connecting to Mozy's servers have also been experienced by some users, and the software itself has been reported by some as "buggy."

Another common complaint cited in Mozy Pro reviews and by subscribers is the fact that when they reach their backup quota, the backup fails. To ensure that your data has been successfully stored, the process should be checked regularly, which can be inconvenient and time-consuming.

Lastly, although the restore function itself is quite seamless, the process can take a long time. Plus, it can take up to 24 hours or more simply for Mozy to retrieve the data before you can begin the restore process. Businesses that need their data restored quickly such as doctors, dentists, lawyers, etc. may find this delay unacceptable.

Mozy Pro Review Summary

On the whole, while this service isn't perfect it is a secure and an affordable solution for small and medium businesses. The other benefit is that a business can be up and running with the service almost immediately. So for businesses without IT departments or those that just want a simple online backup solution, Mozy Pro is certainly worth consideration. And since they offer month-to-month plans, businesses can test the service without committing to a long-term contract.

Be sure to read the full review of Mozy Pro here to decide if it is the best online storage solution for your business!